The Case of the Paper Calendar
Stephen Covey had It Right!
Did you jump into the digital calendar revolution? I did. I wanted it to work. Really, I did. After trying multiple online tools and calendars, I am back to paper. Because a calendar is more than an appointment scheduling tool. It’s your future, the plan, the daily do’s to hit the daily, weekly, monthly successes.
Why I am back to paper? It is my processor, goal tender and mini success journal. Stephen Covey had it right when he developed a system of planning your calendar in conjunction with developing goals, professional and personal.
So why is the paper calendar so important in our digital age? One word. Writing. According to research by Timothy Huneycutt of the National Math and Science Initiative, “People who wrote down their goals were 33% more likely to achieve them, versus those who just formulated goals.”
To get started, take a list of action items which support your goals and write them in your calendar as a “To Do List”. By doing this, you will be focused on accomplishing your goals, step by step, on a daily basis. Now your calendar and goals have merged into meaningful activities. No more wondering what to do each day, hoping to accomplish your goals. You are intentionally focusing on what is important to you…and hitting the mark!
Looking for a great calendar? They are difficult to find! This year I am using the Passion Planner, a tool to prioritize daily action steps and accomplish great goals.
Now do it!
Write down your goals, visualize the success, and add the steps to your calendar and “To Do List”.
To your success,
Warren Wandling