Host Warren Wandling takes you behind the scenes to get to know a variety of leaders and the keys to their success. Discover strategies, tips and resources from leaders and entrepreneurs who have overcome obstacles to build resilience and achieve success. In this episode, Warren introduces you to Gerald Leonard.

Episode 104 – Unlock Your Productivity Potential 


Gerald J. Leonard is the Publishing Editor, CEO, and Founder of the Leonard Productivity Intelligence Institute, where he focuses on enhancing productivity and building better workplace cultures. He is also the CEO of Turnberry Premiere, a strategic project portfolio management and IT governance firm in Washington, DC.
Gerald is known for his unique approach to productivity and business success. As an Author, CEO, Project Portfolio Management guru, and accomplished Bass player, he brings a diverse range of skills and experiences to his presentations and interviews. With a passion for helping others reach their full potential, Gerald has established himself as a leading figure in the field of productivity intelligence. His expertise has garnered significant recognition, leading to numerous sought-after guest appearances, including notable platforms such as NPR and Jack Canfield’s show, among others. His third book, “A Symphony of Choices: How Mentorship Taught a Manager Decision- Making, Project Management and Workplace Engagement — and Saved a Concert Season,” was released in August, 2023.


In this episode with Gerald Leonard you will: 

  • Discover what is the greatest obstacle his clients encounter
  • Find out what key strategy contributed to his success
  • Learn how to master productivity to unlock your success
  • Uncover how the growth mindset impacts a leader
  • Learn what authors influenced in his business 

To connect with Gerald Leonard:



The Next Level Coaching