Host Warren Wandling takes you behind the scenes to get to know a variety of leaders and the keys to their success. Discover strategies, tips and resources from leaders and entrepreneurs who have overcome obstacles to build resilience and achieve success. In this episode, Warren introduces you to Dia Bondi.

Episode 109 – Harnessing the Power of Your Voice: Insights from Dia Bondi


Dia Bondi is an expert in Leadership Communications, with two decades of experience coaching top CEOs, VC-backed founders, and innovators to speak powerfully and amplify their impact. Trained as an auctioneer, Dia transformed the techniques of fundraising auctioneering into a groundbreaking program designed to help women—and all ambitious professionals—ask for more and get it in their careers, businesses and lives. Her book, Ask Like an Auctioneer: How To Ask For More and Get It, serves as a practical guide to navigating the discomfort of asking boldly, encouraging readers to step into their “zone of freaking out” (ZOFO).

As a Communications Catalyst, Dia collaborates with high-impact individuals, guiding them to develop their voice and lead with it. Her engaging workshops and talks have been hosted by major corporations such as Quartz, Salesforce, Google’s, and Dropbox. Notably, Dia played a pivotal role in helping Rio de Janeiro secure the 2016 Summer Olympics. Featured in CNBC Make It, Forbes, and Fast Company, Dia’s insights are transforming the way professionals approach strategic asking and leadership.


In this episode with Dia Bondi, you will:

  • Discover what is the greatest obstacle his clients encounter 
  • Find out how to avoid the biggest challenges as an entrepreneur
  • Learn how to become your own source of financing
  • Discover strategies to transform limiting beliefs about money into a mindset of abundance

To connect with Dia Bondi:

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