
The Magic of Thinking Success by Dr. David J Schwartz- a great book
To make enthusiasm work miracles for you, remember:
•Enthusiasm is your psychological ignition system. People succeed in direct proportion to their ability to turn on their enthusiasm.
•Enthusiasm works “miracles in selling, in business, in sports, and in rearing a family. Success and enthusiasm go together.
•Believe in what you do and enthusiasm follows. If you don’t believe something is right, don’t do it.
•Put enthusiasm in what you say. Your sound is more important than the words you speak. Put spirit in your voice. Let your voice say, “I am glad to talk to you.”
•Smile and you manufacture enthusiasm. Remember, you can’t be angry or depressed or worried when you smile. And when you smile, other people like you.
•Knowledge builds enthusiasm. The more you know about something, the more enthusiastic you become.
•Help others feel enthusiastic. It makes you even more enthusiastic.
Make it your best week yet!
Warren Wandling