5 Ways to Double Your Management Productivity
by Warren Wandling
Decide to become an expert manager and double your productivity.
1.To become a top manager takes action and a desire to formulate a high performance work team. One of the action steps is self-discipline. Self discipline allows you to do what you need to do even if you don’t feel like doing it. This action alone will start to move your life and career onto the fast track.
2.Setting Goals– One of the most important words for a manager is Clarity. It has been stated by peak performance experts that nearly 80% of success is based on your ability to be clear about what you want. Consequently, frustration or failure comes to managers who are vague or unclear about what they want and how to achieve it. An eight step process will help you achieve success. Every successful person has used this process or a combination of these eight steps.
oMake a list of your talents and skills
oDecide what you want to achieve
oWrite your goals down
oPrioritize your goals
oSet a deadline
oIdentify the steps to complete
oTake daily action on your plan
oUse a tracking system to monitor progress
3.One of the keys toward doubling your productivity is to plan every day. Correct planning will increase your performance as a manager. Successful managers plan their activities in advance. Follow the 90/10 Rule – You will save 90% of your time by spending 10% planning your activities.
4.Organize your work space. Highly successful managers work with a clean work space. Unproductive managers are easy to spot. Files are everywhere. To become a highly productive manager, create a work space that communicates you are highly productive. Always work from a clean desk, even if you have to move files to another table. Keep your work space clean and organized. Thirty percent of work time is wasted looking for something that is misplaced. Research has proven that no one works better from a messy desk. When the same person cleans up the work space productivity doubles in twenty- four hours. This optimizes the work environment.
5.Systemize your work – determine the most effective process to complete your work. If you work from a SOP (Standard Operating Procedure), it will be easy to systemize your work. Take one of your larger tasks and write down every step that needs to be completed. Then reduce that list by 30%. Look for ways to combine steps. Eliminate unnecessary steps. Be creative. When you streamline tasks, you double your productivity and become a top manager.
My program, “The Five Laws of Awakening Significance – Unlock Your Hidden Potential” has helped hundreds of my students to double their productivity, discover their purpose and accomplish their goals. Visit www.warrenwandling.com and register for The Five Laws of Awakening Significance program.